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Our Brothers

Read Story

Mark R.

Read Story

Our Brothers

Read Story

Mark R.

Read Story

Mark R.

Read Story

Our Brothers

Read Story

“The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose.

– C.S. Lewis

“The way you discover your gifts is really by serving not by searching.”

– Loren Cunningham

Our Brothers*,

Amazon jungle, south america.

"We are rejoicing together in the One who had been promised from the beginning... After all, the Christmas story didn't start in Nazareth or Bethlehem, it started way before that, and it isn't done yet either."

“We had a Tetelestai movie marathon from 9 am to 9 pm. We interspersed episodes of Tetelestai with games, food, and singing. We are rejoicing together in the One who had been promised from the beginning, who would crush the serpent’s head, who would be the atonement for our sins.  After all, the Christmas story didn’t start in Nazareth or Bethlehem, it started way before that, and it isn’t done yet either… Not until the Lamb who was slain takes the scroll and opens it, and all the elders fall down and worship, ‘Worthy is the One who was slain, and who purchased with his blood men from every tribe and tongue and language and nation!”


This is an illustrative picture

Mark Rodgers,

Scotland, UK.

"People are coming away saying, ‘We are seeing the glory of God. We are seeing Him more clearly, understanding His character, Who He is and what He is like.’"

I live in Scotland, UK and wanted to thank you so much for the incredible production. At the moment, I have been having about 6-7 Tetelestai groups each week. It is fantastic how God is using Tetelestai! It is a tremendous resource. People are coming away saying, ‘We are seeing the glory of God. We are seeing Him more clearly, understanding His character, Who He is and what He is like.’ These films are honestly some of the best resources I have seen and I have a library of about three and a half thousand videos – great Christian materials, but Tetelestai is the best. The quality, both in terms of biblical soundness and also in terms of production values makes it the best material that I have ever come across in terms of chronological teaching. It is absolutely superb.”

João PEdro

Natal, RN, Brazil.

"I really like Tetelestai and watched it several times."

“My name is João Pedro (John Peter). I am 12 years ago and I live in Natal, RN. I love bible stories but I was even more excited to see Bible stories in Libras (Brasilian sign language). I really like Tetelestai and watched it several times. My favorite episodes are the episodes about Adam and Eve and the crucifixion. I started to understand the Bible better and today I can share it with other deaf people. Tetelestai in Libras is a gift for all deaf people in Brazil.”

Pr. Mark Snyder,

Arizona, United States.

" ‘I can’t wait 'till next week.’ "

“We had 9 people at the ‘Shade of Gray’ tattoo parlor tonight for the first chapter of Tetelestai. The response was very positive: 

– ‘I expected it be like all the other video studies, but it wasn’t!’

– ‘It kept my attention.’

– ‘I can’t wait ’till next week.’

I am praying that God will do a real work… Thanks for a great job!!”

This is an ilustrative picture.